Strategies for Implementing Performance Specifications: Guide for Executives and Project Managers

TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R07-RR-2: Strategies for Implementing Performance Specifications: Guide for Executives and Project Managers is designed to provide a broad overview of the benefits and challenges associated with implementing performance specifications. The guide explores various cultural, organizational, and legal considerations that can affect the successful implementation of performance specifications. Project selection criteria and procurement and project delivery options are also addressed.

The SHRP 2 Renewal Project that produced Report S2-07-RR-2, also produced:

  • Framework for Performance Specifications: Guide for Specification Writers, which presents a flexible framework that specifiers may use to assess whether performance specifying represents a viable option for a particular project or project element. If it is indeed a viable option, the Guide discusses how performance specifications may then be developed and used to achieve project-specific goals and satisfy user needs;
  • Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal, which describes suggested performance specifications for different application areas and delivery methods that users may tailor to address rapid highway renewal project-specific goals and conditions; and
  • Guide Performance Specifications, which includes model specifications and commentary to address implementation and performance targets (for acceptance) for 13 routine highway items. Agencies may adapt guide specifications to specific standards or project conditions. The commentary addresses gaps, risks, and options.

Read Report S2-07-RR-2

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