Integrating Asphalt Mixture Design, Structural Design, and Construction Quality Control


TRB’s E-Circular 209: Integrating Asphalt Mixture Design, Structural Design, and Construction Quality Control provides an overview of some of the benefits and issues related to integrating asphalt mixture and structural design under the low-bid process in the United States. The e-circular is grouped into five areas:

1. An overview of the mechanistic–empirical (M-E) structural design process for both new pavements and overlays, focusing on the Mechanistic–Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG).
2. Potential benefits of the integrated design procedure, in terms of pavement performance and in terms of complexity and equipment costs.
3. A listing and discussion of some of the practical issues and impediments for adopting an integrated design system related to materials characterization and structural design.
4. Asphalt mixture properties that are common to the structural and mixture design process and how those properties affect distortion, fracture, and other pavement distresses.
5. Potential costs and time to complete an integrated design and the commercial resources that will be needed on a day-to-day basis.

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