Soil Mechanics 2011

TRB’s Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2212 contains 13 papers that explore acceptance of geomaterials, water jetting to mitigate defects in drilled shafts, pile load test and implementation of load and resistance factor design specifications, lateral resistance of short rock sockets in weak rock, and field testing of a batter pile group foundation.

This issue of the TRR also examines culvert load reduction using an imperfect ditch backfilled with geofoam, pavement performance affected by groundwater seepage, geosynthetic-reinforced soil abutments on soft soil, sulfate-induced heaving in lime-treated soils, influence of mineralogy and plasticity index on expansive clay stabilization, cement-treated reclaimed pavement with a chip seal, cement-treated base materials with a high content of reclaimed asphalt pavement, and estimating embankment settlement.

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