Construction 2013

TRB’s Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2347 contains 12 papers that explore a highway design and construction project delivery selection matrix; fatigue in highway construction workers; early contractor design involvement to expedite delivery of emergency highway projects; and the selection of project quality assurance organizations for highway design and construction projects. This TRR also examines thickness in Portland Cement Concrete pavement; concrete pavement patching challenges; concrete pavement thickness variation assessments; thermal segregation on asphalt pavement compaction; asphalt pavement compaction monitoring with ground-penetrating radar; haul time effects on unmodified, foamed, and additive-modified binders used in hot-mix asphalt; construction engineering recommendations for curved and skewed steel girder bridges; and the Lake Champlain bridge emergency replacement project.

Read TRR No. 2347

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