Management of bridge stock

PIARC, 2012

This report presents the results of a survey, to which 16 bridge operators from 11 countries responded, about the management of their bridge stock.

The first set of questions deals with the nature of the bridge stock, the management programmes, and the funds allocated yearly for bridge management and inspection programmes.

The second set of questions is related to the bridge management system (BMS) used: whether such a system is implemented; who is in charge of data management in the system; the required expertise and qualifications to manage the management system; whether the BMS is useful to set priorities for a maintenance programme.

Lastly, the managers were surveyed on the existence of objectives set annually about the condition of bridge assets and what measures would be necessary in order to improve prioritization of projects.

The report ends with recommendations, including the implementation of BMS based on risk analysis.

Read the Report

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